Hello and Welcome to our OIO Blog,
We have been holding off on creating a blog for many reasons. We were not a big fan of them when they started. However, you just cannot denie, they are popular! Also, many folks are having a time getting the email they want (spammers seem to get through - no problem) so we will post some of our home biz and investment findings here for you. We hope you will come back often.
Please excuse our long hiatus from publishing our newsletter. We have really been swamped with our day trading, and most of our focus and efforts have been directed toward that. It has turned into MUCH more than we even thought. The training and package just keeps getting better all the time. Because of this package, I sincerely believe that we have one of, if not THE Best, affiliate programs on the net.
This awesome system for trading the e-mini S&P 500 has really helped folks from all walks of life. Many have quit jobs and businesses that had them tied down. From lives of time slaves to lives of time Freedom!
Imagine a business where you can earn from $200 to $2000 in the first half hour of the opening bell on Many mornings! That is what we have here, and your income does NOT depend on what Anyone else does. You control your income, risks, and profits! I honestly don't think I have found a better home biz in over 20 years of investigation and writing about home biz offers.
Read here what a few of my students have told me about our trading training:
Hi Doug,
Pete here from Toronto, Canada one of your Life Time members.
Hope your doing great because I am. This is an overdue thank you for the Simple Trading System. Things are going great and seems to be getting easier to trade. The less greedy I get the more I make.
........Thanks again and thank you for keeping me updated with the additions and emails to the system. Anytime you need a reference from me with respect to the system, be my guest or just let me know
Take care,
Hello Doug
I've been meaning to drop you a line for some time to thank and compliment you and Warren on the excellent training video that you sent a while ago! I've watched it two or three times now and some individual parts even more often. It has certainly clarified a few things for me – especially the additional features of the Quicktrade window. I’m now starting to use that more because it appears to be more “real time” than the sliding scale at the RHS of the main platform.
I even occasionally enter a trade during the (Australian) day. As it ticks over ever so slowly, I can go off and do a few jobs around the house and come back every half hour or so to check up. I also appreciate the advicecancelingling/changing to keep ahead of a moving market. This has enabled me to make points rather than ticks at times.
On the whole, I'm happy with the way my trades are going. I'm trading 4 contracts and still only trading in the first hour/ hour & a half of the market opening. Yes, I've made a couple of bad trades, but nothing too disastrous and the account balance is going up all the time. I'm not at the stage where I can ask John to send me regular cheques but the possibility is not so distant.
Once again, my sincere thanks for an extremely useful and fact filled training tool.
Best wishes
From : Bryan tradehyip
Hello, thanks for the update, you know it still blows me away, the foundation of using (a fr-ee) chart, and was on the call this morning and got my point, I've been working to get the funds to open my account. Should have them on September 10, anyway the practicing has been going great and the (fr-ee) chart is the best, forget all the pay ones.
About the hyip's I'll work on finding you some descent ones, they are out their and been paying for long time, and you know obviously these use egold intgold ebulion etcc., anyway. and the Iraq info, looks great also.
(Don't Miss our Article in the newsletter for more info on the Iraq opportunity and Don't Miss our upcoming report on HYIP's - the scams, the myths, and the scarce Real Opportunities!)
Okay talk to you later:
Hi Doug,
.......Also, some updates. Earlier this month, when I made my second attempt to go a whole week without losing a trade, I ended up going *three* whole weeks without losing a single trade! We got the corp. account opened and I went live 3 days ago and have gone 3 days getting 2+ points per day in the morning without losing a trade!
We just want to say thank you Doug for giving us such an amazing wealth-building vehicle!
I'll soon be on the Thursday calls to make some positive testimonials and sending more referrals soon also.
Thanks again Doug for everything,
I know there is a LOT of hype out there about trading systems (or any other home biz for that matter), but you really owe it to yourself and family to at least check this one out!
Don't Miss Our Next Thursday Night Call
This is the place to get all your questions answered. I have so many folks calling and writing me now about this that I just don't have time to get back to them all (you can have that problem too - and we pay some nice referral commissions to you daily - how about $700 each)
Want a nice 3 day 2 night vacation getaway? If so, you won't want to miss our next Day Trading Made Easy info call which is set for this Thursday eve..
Just for listening we will send you a certificate for the vacation.
The number to call is:
865 362-4350 Pin # 7171
The call starts promptly at 8:30 PM CST (CST is GMT-6)
That is 9:30 PM EST - 7:30 MST, and 6:30 on the West Coast - PST.
You might also want to visit our results site for more info at:
http://oiopro.com/thelatestresults.htmlGet more info on the Simple Day Trading system here:
http://daytradingmadesimple.comAfterthoughts on Rita and Katrina - And How These May Affect Your Home BizI have been quiet for the most part on these two disasters, but I felt I just had to speak out on the issues here. My heart goes out to those who have lost lives, homes, pets, and more with these terrible storms.
The slow response by the government, FEMA, the military, or whoever to get some of the folks out was another disaster in itself. The image of the 2 kids (a boy and a girl) on a rooftop from flooded New Orleans with a sign that read "Please Help" is foreembeddeddded in my mind. It leads us all to the reality that most of us here in the states were at least subconsciously aware of - We cannot rely on the government to save us in times of crisis - AND, that they are ill prepared to do so. Even now, MONTHS later - many of the folks who suffered the most in LA. and MS. have not been helped.
(Side Note: Don't expect the government to take care of you in your retirement years either - prepare now by starting your own home biz)
Even when the government sets aside BILLIONS of dollars for relief, that relief is slow to arrive IF it ever does. Most of the charitable agencies are not much better. To give you an example my brother Greg had been wanting to help out with this since Katrina first hit. The First Lady got on the TV and at one point was telling folks to come to New Orleans to help out. Greg and his wife Sonja jumped in the vehicle and headed toward Louisiana.
Our cousin Tommy was one who was trapped in New Orleans, and they had hoped they could help him get out, and help in any other way they could while they were there. They did manage to get within a few blocks of where Tommy was stranded (at great personal risk I might add) and were told at gunpoint to "Get Out". It seems the only ones who could enter freely were the gangs and thieves (and the police - some of whom were not much better than the criminals they were supposed to be protecting citizens from).
After coming back home to Oklahoma, Greg and Sonja signed up to help with the Red Cross. They imagined that they could perhaps help out in Houston where many of the evacuees had been taken. They were told that there was a need right here in Oklahoma at a camp Gruber. Many of the evacuees, mostly from Houston had been taken to this military camp in rural Oklahoma.
To Greg's surprise, the first thing the evacuees saw when they exited the buses was the Red Cross selling pop and bottled water for a dollar each. Many of the folks on these buses would buy one and then when walking further into the camp were greeted by the Salvation Army who was giving away water and pop. Needless to say that made a lot of the folks somewhat angry with the Red Cross.
To make a long story short, my brother and sister in law quit working with the Red Cross after just a couple of days. They had just seen too many disgusting displays by the Red Cross outfit to want to work with them any longer!
Later, I talked with a good friend of mine who is a Korean veteran by the name of Jim. Jim told me that the Red Cross was in Korea during the war, but all they were ever good for was coffee and sometimes a doughnut. I had heard about the waste and administrative abuse of donated funds from the Red Cross for years - long before the 911 fiasco from which they are still under investigation. Yet celebrities like Jay Leno and about every major web site on the net touts the Red Cross as the place to send your donations. I can understand folks wanting to help out, and I did myself, but I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to send another dime to the Red Cross (for more insight on the Red LOSS and other charities see:
My brother Greg had been active for some time doing volunteer work in helping US veterans to get their benefits. After giving up on getting anything accomplished with the Red Loss he turned his attention to some of the veteran organizations to see if anything could be done to help evacuees who are also vets. To his surprise he found that MUCH of the funds that had been allocated by Washington to help victims (including veterans) was mostly setting idle, with no real plan of action for disbursement. After a lot of leg work and tons of phone calls, he was set up with grant money and put in charge of helping veterans at the same evacuee camp here in Oklahoma (where he had tried to work with the Red Loss) and then one in Arkansas.
Greg told me that there was a need in these camps for ones to get various items that had been mostly overlooked by the big charities, and so he set out to do that with his own funds (the main thing many of the men were wanting was some new underwear - and get this - the Red Loss and other organizations like them would not provide that. They set them up with new jeans, but no new underwear - go figure). I'd much rather donate to individuals who are actually doing something like Greg than BIG bureaucratic charities that eat up the lion's portion of donations in their top heavy administration and pay roll. (We also helped out with other contributions that went Directly to those affected in LA, AL, and MS).
Internet Drives
Finally I wanted to mention something about how the Internet crowd all rallied to get folks on their lists to help out in some way. While this is admirable, many of the things we looked at were again directing folks to give funds to the Red Loss, or to donate blood, or some such thing.
One well known Guru from the south told his bunch that they could all think positive and keep the 2nd hurricane - Rita - away from their homes and properties. When Rita arrived with less damage than originally expected, this Guru basically took credit for it. He claimed that by sending a letter to his list, and others sending the same positive thinking letter to their lists, they all sent a "white tornado of love" out to greet Rita which broke it up and tore it down to a category 3 (I'm sure that folks who got hit by Rita would have preferred that this Guru would have just destroyed the storm altogether!).
Now I am as much into positive thinking as the next guy (as I tell my day trading students, you have to be positive or you won't ever become a good trader), but if this fella thinks he is stopping or slowing down storms by being positive, then I need to talk to him about willing the markets to go where we want them!
My wife and I heard our share of folks here in Oklahoma claim that their prayers kept the storm from reaching us (which was projected as a possibility). We heard similar comments about Katrina and Rita. So I guess they feel that God, or the creator, or some cosmic energy (as the guru mentioned above seems to believe in) liked them better than the poor folks who had been hit HARD by this. So he spared Oklahoma and wiped out New Orleans - right! Folks really need to THINK before they speak.
I guess the worst thing that comes from disaster is the crooks that crawl out from every rock and try to capitalize on others misfortunes. I'm talking about the thieves that loot, and the low down bums who set up sites for fake charities etc.
To end this on a positive note, I would say that disaster brings out the good in most folks. There really are a lot of good people out there who just want to help! We lived in Oklahoma City when the bomb went off there, and the spirit that prevailed was something to see. People from all over the world wanted to help, and did! It warms your heart to see that quality coming out in your fellow man, and it proves to me how things could be, how they will be some day.
How Will This Affect Your Home Biz
Those of us in home biz, or any biz for that matter, can easily be affected by things like natural disasters and/or any event that can directly cause reactions in the economy. Our prediction after Katrina, Rita, and other disasters that are sure to follow, is that more and more folks will begin to look for ideas on working from home. The good news is that there are more ways to stay home and make a living now, than at any other time in history! If you are in the business of teaching and or helping others to work from home, you can feel good about what you do. The old saying is still true - if you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want too! Keep up the good work!